Wednesday, September 9, 2009

7 More Tips for Office Efficiency and Effectiveness

Work Smarter

 “Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”

Peter Drucker, management consultant

Here are a few tips to enjoy your work, avoid stress, get more things done smoothly, and achieve your desired results:

  1. Arrive early: When you arrive early at the office it means for a while you are not being disturbed. You can mentally organize yourself to tackle tasks for the day by looking at your to-do list - things to do, people to call, people to meet, and meetings to attend.

  1. An organized workstation: Everything that you need to do should be beside you. You don’t have to move around to get items you need every now and then. You don’t want to waste time unnecessarily. Put a pot of plant on your desk. According to research it will delight you and make you happy at work.

  1. Your off-peak period: In the late afternoon do things that are not demanding such as checking e-mail and reviewing your to-do list. You will be happy and satisfied to note that most of the important tasks in the to-do list are checked off. This is also the right time to get ready another to-list for the following day.

  1. Take breaks: It is important that you take a break whenever when you are under stress. Get away from your desk and have a cup of coffee to clear the clutter in your mind. You will work better later.

  1. Attention to detail: Whatever you do, do not take shortcuts or the easy way out. As a good example when you make an accounting entry in the book provide as much detail as possible. You will be able to look for an item quickly and easily a few months later.

  1. Focus: Avoid doing too many things at the same time. Do only one job at a time. You will avoid making mistakes and you will complete the job faster with your full concentration.

  1. Effective use of time: You may not need an hour to have your lunch. Use the available time to catch up with some reading. Read important articles in the newspapers or magazines relevant to your job or career.

Always put on your thinking cap to get creative ideas to do more in less time. When you have more time to yourself you have more time for creative thoughts.

Related posts:

10 Office Efficiency Tips

Happiness at the Workplace - The Plant Factor

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