Monday, September 7, 2009

7 Tips to Avoid Paper Clutter

Paper Clutter

“A simplified life means that what has to get done will get done. And when we pare down life to its simplest, most beautifully basic parts, we’re left with room to enjoy each other, to rest, and to truly savor life with all our hearts, minds, and spirits.” —Emily Ley

To avoid paper clutter is to nip the problem in the bud. Do not allow the paper to accumulate, especially on your desk. Here are the tops tips to avoid paper everywhere and no way to look for the document your want:

  1. Immediate action: As soon as you receive a document in your hand decide at once where to file it if it is to be filed away. Do it on the same day.

  1. A bigger file is better: A big file of common items is better than a few smaller files. As an example, you can file bank statements of different banks in one file under different sections. It is easy to locate and retrieve a big file.

  1. Throw: Discard all those documents that you know you longer need them. You can easily make a decision by just asking yourself what will happen if the documents are no longer around. Another question is,’’ When was the last time you used the document?”

  1. Keep: There are certain items you have to keep quite a long while. Things like tax returns and supporting documents, health records, wills, and insurance policies.

  1. Expired documents: Just keep the current insurance policies and throw away all expired ones to void confusion when you need them.

  1. Important documents: It is wise to keep in a safe deposit box at a bank all your valuable documents such as certificates, passports, life insurance policies, and title deeds. You don’t need them every now and then, so keep them in a safe place.

  1. Filing cabinets: Look for a filing system that suits your requirements. Shop around at office supply stores and you will find something suitable for your use. Keep a list of all your file names in alphabetical order and update it often.

When you are unable to retrieve a piece of document it is as good as lost. The proper filing gives you peace of mind because you know where to look for it quickly when you need it

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