Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kaizen and Self Improvement


According to Wikipedia, Kaizen (改善,Japanese for improvement,pronounced as kaizen and in Chinese, it is pronounced as gai shan, it means change for the better) is a Japanese philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement throughout all aspects of life – personal life, social life, and working life.

There are many things that you can do to improve yourself and your life. Look at the list of things that you wanted to improve but haven’t got around to do so:

Exercise daily
Act promptly
Get organized
Improve efficiency at work
Be more productive
Generate more positive emotions such as happiness
Positive thinking
Spend quality time with family
And more…

How do you improve yourself in life? Do not try to improve too many things at the same time. It is overwhelming and making it difficult for you to succeed.  

Choose only one thing that can give you the most benefits in life when you have improved. Take, for example, you know the benefits of getting up early but you are unable to do so. 

Do it gradually by getting up 15 minutes earlier and then slowly make it to 30 minutes, 45 minutes,s and then one hour. 

The daily habit will make it easier for you to achieve your goal. Moreover, when you are an early riser you instantly enjoy the benefits of it. You no longer have to rush about to get things done in the morning. You have time to plan ahead. You can exercise that you wanted to do so for a long time but haven’t even started. You can meditate and you can enjoy a leisurely breakfast that you have always skipped.

The benefits that you have enjoyed will, all the more, keep you motivated to maintain the momentum of a good habit of getting up early. The fact that you have succeeded in one area of your life will boost your self-confidence to improve other areas of your life easily.

Take action now for kaizen.

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