Getting along well with your children is a wonderful and happy thing in life. In order to be successfully connected with your children you must avoid the following ten things:
1. Worry too much: Don’t think too much about your children, about their health, about their safety, about their academic success, about… Your anxiety will show on your face and it will affect your children negatively. You can plan for their future but live each day as it comes and offers them the freedom to grow.
2. Do too much: You bear too many responsibilities for the children. Allow your children to take care of themselves. Let them shoulder some of the things that they can do by themselves.
3. Scold too much: Out of concern, you reprimand your children too much and too often. When you are too critical of them, you are feeding your children negative thoughts. It is detrimental to the development of a positive self-image.
4. Give too much: You pamper them by giving them too many material things to enjoy. It sends a signal that things come easy.
5. Expect too much: You have very high expectations of the children and you send them to too many tuition classes. Remember that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Don’t pressure them too much; let them lead a balanced life so that you allow your children to develop mentally as well as physically.
6. Play too little: They enjoy very little outdoor activities because they are tied up with homework, tuition classes and when they have done with, they are too tired to do anything else but to rest.
7. Communicate too little: Working parents spend very little quality time to connect with their children. Remember that your presence is more important than your presents. Your children don’t talk to you because you talk to them not often enough. You need to spend time listening to your children.
8. Know too little: Parents should keep themselves up-to-date with the information technology so that you can catch up with your children. They are very adaptive to the Internet and other latest gadgets and you are not.
9. Love too little: Because you spend very little time with your children you can’t demonstrate fully your love for the children. Give them abundant love so that they will love you in return.
10. Too little flexibility: You are unable to change your role to suit different situations. You are always playing the role of parents. From time to time try to be their friends and get into their world to understand them better. Change your role to get closer to your children.
The ultimate aim of child-rearing is to bring them up so that they will be able to live independently.
Happy parenting!
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