Monday, June 15, 2009

Emotional Intelligence – 7 Tips to Manage Emotions

Emotional Intelligence

According to Wikipedia, emotional intelligence is a term that describes the ability, capacity, skill, or a self-perceived ability, to identify, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups. Here are the tips to manage emotions:

  1. Self-awareness: Be able to recognize your own emotions as they occur. Get to know how the emotions are affecting you.

  1. Self-control: Able to manage your own emotions to avoid the outburst of negative emotions such as anger and violence Research shows that chronic anger and anxiety create a health risk.

  1. Understand the emotions of others: Identify the feelings of others will put you in a better position to understand the behavior of your fellow beings

  1. Take care of your health and fitness: Positive emotions are generated when you have sufficient sleep and you exercise regularly. You are able to stay calm and collected and will not be easily disturbed by outside events. Having a balanced diet will also affect your emotions positively.

  1. Be connected: Building lasting relationships and trusting each other at home, at work, and among friends are ways to display your positive emotions. These positive emotions will be reciprocated.

  1. Harness the power of positive emotions to motivate oneself: Positive emotions such as enthusiasm, optimism, zeal, confidence, persistence, and hope will propel you to success and happiness in your life. When you are able to pay 100% attention to the task at hand you are able to enter into a “flow” state. You will be highly productive and your performance will be outstanding.

  1. Positive emotions generate more positive emotions: Negative emotions lead to more negative emotions. Likewise, positive emotions will vibrate into more positive emotions. When you feel happy, you are excited, your spirits will be high, and your self-confidence will be boosted.

Effective management of emotions means you are more attentive, more conducive to creative thinking, more affectionate to others, and most important of all, your positive emotions override your negative emotions.

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