Wednesday, October 19, 2011

7 Effective Ways to Work Productively and Grow


Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. ~Benjamin Franklin
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. ~Napoleon Hill

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. ~Calvin Coolidge

Here are  the seven ways to grow your career:

1.      Harness your technical skills: To be competent and perform well at work, you have to be good at your technical skills. Others come to you because you are able to provide solutions and get things done. You need to upgrade your skills continuously to stay on top of things.  

2.      Solve problems: Solving problems is a great way to learn and grow your career. It is something new or else it is not a problem. It promotes your resourcefulness and creativity when you don’t dodge them but confront them. The more problems you are able to overcome, the wiser you will be and the more experience you will gain.  

3.      Never stop reading and learning: Reading enlightens you and makes you more knowledgeable. Continuous learning is a way to gain new insights. To seek new information constantly is to grow and make progress.   
The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live. ~ Mortimer Adler

4.      Seek Improvement: You can’t improve when you continue to do things the same old way. Think and implement changes in the workplace is the only way to get ahead. When you do not make changes yourself, you will be forced to change or left behind.   

5.      Be more productive: Are you able to create value efficiently and effectively? Working smart is the way to go. It is not about getting busy but doing the right thing the right way at the right time.  Focus on the few major issues which are important and getting the desired results. Productivity is doing less and less and getting more and more done.  

6.      Sharpen your communication skills: The more you write, the more capable you will be in expressing yourself clearly, concisely, fully, and precisely. At the same time be a good listener and listen with your heart. Understand the body language and get to know the unspoken words.

7.      Strengthen your soft skills
: Soft skills are important for your career growth and success. Your soft skills differentiate you from others when an employer looks for someone to do an important job or to be promoted.  Are you enthusiastic and motivated at work? Do you take responsibility for what you do and proud of your work? Are you optimistic and confident? Are you open to criticism, adaptable, and willing to accept changes? Are you good at time management to get things done in an orderly and unhurried fashion and meeting deadlines? Do you react to negative events positively?

Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing. ~William Butler Yeats

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