Tuesday, October 11, 2011

15 Effective Ways to Live Life Productively and Happily

Live life productively and happily

My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can. ~Cary Grant

Instead of wishing and thinking, you can take action to get what you want in life and be happy. These are the effective ways to do and shape a positive outcome of the future:

1.      What do you always tell yourself: You are what you think. Are you thinking positively or negatively?  A positive thinking attitude generates energy, boosts confidence and you act enthusiastically. Thinking good is feeling good about yourself. Do not allow negative thoughts to discourage you and dampen your spirits.  

               Your life is what your thoughts make it. ~ Marcus Aurelius

2.      Live the life of your dreams: To live life effectively is to follow your dreams and do the things you want to do. The first thing is to find out what you want to do in life. It is your goal. Set challenging goals that are achievable. Plan ahead and work your plan one step at a time. This is the way to achieve your goals and realize your dreams 

3.      Life is a journey: There is no destination in life. It only ends when your life ends. The most important thing is to enjoy every moment of your life in what you do every day. Your goals give you purpose and meaning in life. There is always something to look forward to and something fulfilling to do every day.

4.      Manage time effectively: The most important thing is to live a balanced life. There is a time for you to work hard and there is also a time for you to spend quality time at home with family members. To go to the extreme in one area such as always working late and on weekends is to court troubles. 

5.      Go slow: Do not hurry by in life, but take your time to appreciate what you do every day. When you eat, chew your food well. When you drive, slow down. When you are having fun, loosen up and be totally relaxed. Be mindful of what you do and enjoy the process of doing it.

6.      Seek improvement: There will be no improvement when you do things the same way over and over again. Try and adopt new ways to get things done and make a difference.

7.      Be grateful: An important attitude in life is to show gratitude and appreciation. Every day when you wake up be thankful to God that you are alive and given a new day to do all the wonderful things that you have planned to do. Be thankful for what you are and what you have. The way to do it is to count your blessings instead of your troubles.

8.      Be persistent: Do not be discouraged by setbacks and problems in life, stay focus on your goals and deal with problems positively. Each battle along the way that you have won is a boost to your resourcefulness and creativity.   

9.      Be healthy and fit: The most important thing you must do in order to live life happily and effectively is to maintain your energy, stamina, and alertness. To do that, you will have to exercise every day and follow a nutritious diet. Having sufficient sleep and drinking enough water throughout the day are basic and essential daily healthy habits. Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking.

10.  Be optimistic: Life may not be a bed of roses, but you can always react to events with a positive perspective. Look at the bright side of things, do the best you can, and hope for the best. You stay happy when you do what you can and leave the rest to God.

11.  Be self-sufficient: Do you know that one of the factors that you can’t live life effectively because you do not have peace of mind? The reason is that you don’t live within your means. You live on credit to get what you want in life and build up debts that you cannot manage. Learn to appreciate and enjoy what you have. A small house is just as homely as a big house as long as you are happy and contented. A normal bed is just as comfortable as a King Koil bed, the difference is your attitude.    

12.  Be connected: An effective life is a connected life. You are closely connected with family members, friends and relatives. You get support from them as much as you have supported them. Stay connected or you will be a lonely and unhappy soul.

13.  Do one thing at a time: Try not to cram too much to do in a day. A short to-do- list is an effective way to get the most important things done in a day.  Fewer tasks mean you will be able to do one thing at a time effectively without feeling overwhelmed.

14.  Express kindness and appreciation: Say thank you to people who serve you. Smile and greet people you meet. These small gestures will brighten up the day in other people’s life. Do random acts of kindness to make others and yourself happy.

15.  Be responsible and accountable: You are responsible for your own life. Don’t blame others when you are not successful. You have to examine yourself closely and avoid making the same mistakes. Taking pride in what you do is a positive attitude to be responsible and accountable. You will work with your heart knowing that your reputation is at stake. Build authority and gain the trust of others in you.      

Thinking and acting positively is an effective way to live your life productively and happily


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