Monday, April 19, 2010

How to look after your liver

Location of the liver

One of your vital organs in your body is liver and the one major function is detoxification. Until now there is no way to replace the functioning of your liver.

According to Chinese physicians, the detoxification function of the liver is between eleven and one o’clock while you are sound asleep at night. When you go to bed late the toxins accumulated in a day will remain in the body. Now you know why it is important to sleep early.

It is also documented in old Chinese medical records that regular consumption of lingzhi or ganoderma lucidum is a good way to promote and maintain the proper functioning of your liver. According to experts in China lingzhi is able to fortify your immune system in your body

On the other hand, herbalists highly recommend milk thistle for the treatment of liver disorders. It cleanses and detoxifies an overworked liver. This herb contains silybin which exerts antioxidant and liver-protective properties. More importantly, milk thistle is able to stimulate protein synthesis to increase the production of new liver cells to replace damaged old ones.

Regular bowel movements are also important to detoxify the body and improve intestinal and liver health. You can achieve this by increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables.

A healthy lifestyle is another crucial factor to ensure good liver health. Exercise regularly, give up smoking, drink moderately, and manage your stress well.

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