Friday, April 16, 2010

How to Be Appreciative – 5 Top Tips

Diabetic man
When I have a bad day and I am feeling blue, I will turn around in a thankful and appreciative way to bounce back quickly. Here are some of the things that you can think of to bring back your cheerfulness and happiness instantly. The secret is to be thankful and appreciative.

1. Health: As reported in the newspaper recently there is a diabetic man with both legs amputated. He is also suffering from kidney and chronic eye problems. Be thankful that you have perfect limbs with no illnesses. There is nothing in this world more precious than your health. When there is no health there is no job. When there is no job there is no money. Where there is no money there is no hope and no future.

2. Job: Holding a job gives you very high self-esteem. Respect your job and be appreciative that you are wanted in an organization, no matter how minor your role is in the company.

3. Relationships: There is nothing more blessed than a family living happily and harmoniously together. What is more, you can ask for from life? It is home sweet home after a hard day’s work to be with your spouse and children. Think also of your friends and relatives who have helped you in one way or another.

4. Money: You may not be wealthy but I am sure you have enough to feed the family and there is savings for a raining day no matter how small the sum of money you have got in the bank. The most important thing is that you are debt-free.

5. What have you got: Just think of all the material things in life that you are enjoying now – a roof above your head, a car, credit cards, a PC with an internet connection, regular shopping, going on a holiday once in a while… Think of someone who is homeless and sleeping on the pavement and you should be thankful to God.

When you add up all that you have got out of life you know you are living in abundance and there is nothing to be unhappy about.

This article is dedicated to Grampa Ken for change because he has inspired me to write this article.

1 comment:

  1. Well thank you so much Charles. The little bits of good thoughts we can scatter around can often be helpful to someone in some way, and is good for us too, thinking and writing about them.
    Best wishes, Grampa Ken


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