Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Developing High EQ in Your Child – 5 Effective Tips

Developing a high EQ child
According to Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence, who mentions in his article, What Makes a Leader? the five components of emotional intelligence at work are self-awareness, self- regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill. How do you develop emotional intelligence in your child? Here are the 5 tips:

1. The emotions of the parents: Parents are the role model for their children. When you are able to manage your emotions and display only positive moods, your children will be able to notice, follow and act accordingly. When you are moody and always using foul languages they will do the same to their friends thinking that it is the right behavior.

2. Making friends: Children are encouraged to start from young to develop relationships. Your children may face setbacks while getting along with others. He or she may be ignored; it is the duty of parents to explain to the children that when they were young they did face the same problems. This is to assure your children that it is very normal thing to happen when making connection with others.

3. Teach your child to recognize his or her emotions: When your child is between 1 to 3 years old and when he is crying, ask” Are you sad? Why are you sad?” When your child is angry ask him why. This is to directly help your child to know his mood and emotions at that particular moment. Making the child understands his own emotions will also making him understand the emotions of others. When he is among friends and he spots someone who is sad he is able to console his friend. Thus, he is developing his emotional intelligence. When your child is around three to six years old it is time to help him to manage emotions. When you child has broken something do not scold, but ask your child “What shall you do?” It is to teach your child to face a problem squarely but not emotionally.

4. Do not treat your child emotionally: When you are angry do not let it out on your child. You are sending a wrong signal to your child that when you are angry you can pick on someone smaller to release your tension. It means your child is made to understand that he can hit the cat or kick the dog at home when he is angry. Punish your child for wrong doing only.

5. Let your child feel your love: Most of the time when your child is sad just listen attentively to what he has to say. All he needs is just a little attention from you.

Parents play a very important role to shape the positive development of their child’s emotional intelligence. Promote positive emotions such as happiness and cheerfulness at home to cultivate a healthy growth emotionally in your child

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