Monday, November 2, 2009

More about Personal Mission Statements

Accounting work

“A mission statement is not something you write overnight, but fundamentally, your mission statement becomes your constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values. It becomes the criterion by which you measure everything else in your life.” 

Stephen Covey

Personal Mission statements are about your purposes in life. It revolves around your core values and your goals. Your mission statement changes as you move along in life from a young boy to an adult and from the role of a husband to that of a father. As you move to the last stage of life, your mission statement also sees dramatic changes. Let me give you an example of personal mission statements in different stages of a person’s life:

As a young boy:
I want to be one of the top ten students in the class. I will listen attentively to the teachers in class and I will take down necessary notes. I will do my homework and revise the lessons every day. I will exercise daily to keep fit and I will eat a balanced diet. I will go to bed early and wake up early.

As a young graduate:
As an accountant, I will discharge my duties and responsibilities to the best of my abilities. I will submit my monthly report on time and I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I will work closely with my co-workers and I will groom my subordinates,

As a husband and father
To take care of my family just the way I take care of my career. My family life is devoted to my family and nothing else. I will shower my children with love and I will set good examples for them to follow. I want them to be good citizens when they grow up.

As a senior citizen
My life is carefree and I am financially independent. I just want to be happy to spend time with my partner and my friends. I will share my life experience with others as and when requested.

Craft your own personal mission statements to suit your needs in different stages of your life. Let your mission statements propel you to greater height in life.

Related post:

7 Steps to create a Personal Mission Statement

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