Friday, November 13, 2009

10 Tips to be a Top Executive

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”  - 

Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple

Success is about what you can contribute to the company and what you can do for your fellow workers. Here are the top 10 things that you must do in order for you to move up and stay at the top: 

 1. Getting a job done: Each and every assignment is to de completed on time, completely, and in the way as required by your boss. Effectiveness and efficiency are important factors to get things done. 

 2. Your commitment: Are you committed to the job? When you are interested in doing what you are doing, a job is no longer a job; it’s a fun thing to do. When it is your passion you will do your job wholeheartedly. Commitment means concentration and focuses on the job. 

 3. Self-improvement: Do you stop learning after you have left school or are you updating yourself in the field of your expertise? The thirst for knowledge is an essential quality in the competitive world. Never stop learning.

 4. A team member or a lone ranger: In every organization, one department is linked to another and they form a cohesive unit. The cooperation of every department head is vital to allow the day-to-day operation to run smoothly. There is no place for a hero or a lone ranger. Be a team player and be sensitive to the requirements of other department heads as well as your own. 

 5. Time management: How do you manage your time? Actually, time management is life management. The most important thing is the fill your time with the most important tasks and get them done. You can ignore the rest and do it only when you have the time. This is an effective use of time. 

 6. Punctuality: To be on time is to respect others who are also time-sensitive. As a top executive, it is a virtue and a very good habit. It is a sign that you are able to organize yourself very well and you can be on time the first time and every time. 

 7. Positive mental attitude: In essence, you will find solutions to every problem encountered. An attitude of never-say-die will augurs well for your career. Self-confidence will inspire others to look upon you. 

 8. Support your immediate superior: The only way to work in any place is to give your fullest support to your boss. Just remember he is the one who hires you and he thinks you will make a good assistant. It is two-way traffic. You support your boss and your boss will support you to move up the ladder. 

 9. Loyal to the company: If you speak ill of your company why are you still working there? You are one of the spokespeople of the company even though you are not in the PR department. When you look upon the company highly it reflects well on you. Always remember to keep confidential issues to yourself. 

 10. Supportive of co-workers: You need to get things done through others. Naturally, your care and concern of your co-workers will ensure that things get done in a timely fashion. It shows that you are an effective leader. Don’t ever complain to your boss that your subordinates let you down by not doing their part. Blame yourself for it. 

 The more you do for the company and the more support that you give to your co-workers, the more you are valued and appreciated by your boss and your co-workers, and the easier it is for you to move up.

1 comment:

  1. Good bosses encourage their subordinates and make success happen for them.


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