Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Benefits of Exercise – Physically, Mentally and Emotionally


Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.     

Carol Welch

Regular exercise offers tremendous benefits not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. 

  3 S’s of physical benefits (suppleness, strength, and stamina) An all-round exercise programme including stretching, weight training and aerobic at least three times a week will give you overall health and fitness. You will be more flexible in your body movements, be stronger and able to work harder longer 

  3 C’s of mental benefits (cool, calm, and collected) Each time after an exercise your mental alertness is at its peak. You are able to concentrate on the task at hand and not being disturbed easily. You stay cool, calm, and collected. 

  3 S’s of emotional benefits (self-respect, self-confidence, and self-worth) According to Heather Hausenblas of the University of Florida, a UF exercise psychologist, ”People who don’t achieve workout milestones such as losing fat, gaining strength or boosting cardiovascular fitness feel just as good about their bodies as their more athletic counterparts.” She reviewed 57 interventions studies on the topic of exercise and how it makes people feel, and she concludes that “the simple act of exercise and not fitness itself convince you that you look better.” In short, you carry a healthy self-image of yourself and you feel good and satisfied about yourself just by exercising 

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