Friday, November 27, 2009

Your Role in Life

What's Your Role in Life

Remember! You are special. No one can play your role better than you.

Pradeep Kumar

The world is a stage and each and every one of us must play a role. What role do you want to play? It is all determined by your interest, passion, and what you do best in life.

Take an example, US President Obama is a man who knows what he wants out of life and he knows what role he can play on the world stage and he goes all the way to get it.

As for me, I can only play a small role. My interest and passion are about self-improvement and my strength is in writing. My blog is my platform to deliver my messages and communicate with the rest of the world. This is what I can do and what I want to do in life and it is stated in my personal mission statement:

To encourage and motivate readers to improve the seven areas of their life, namely, health, work, personal money, relationships, happiness, home life, and parenting. The objective is to live life happily, fully, and meaningfully at the moment.

You never know you have great potential in life because you have yet to discover your mission in life. Find out your personal interest and passion. Find out what you can do better than others and you can do it easily. Do something that benefits others. Let me put it in another way to jolt you into thinking hard: What do you want people to say about you when they attend your funeral?

Are you one of the main actors on stage or are you one of the supporting casts? Only you can decide. When you imagine, create and visualize the role you want to play you will take action to realize your role in life.

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