Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Bucket List

The Bucket List

By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.

Mark Victore Hansen

What is a bucket list? Actually, it is a movie by the name of “The Bucket List” directed by Rob Reiner and starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The main plot follows two terminally ill men on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before they “kick the bucket”.

A bucket list allows you to focus on the things that you wish to do. It has nothing to do with your daily to-do list which is tied to your job and your daily routine. You just write down all the things that you wanted to do and you have not had the time or the opportunity to do it. Let us say that you have just one year to live before you kick the bucket, what would you do? In a way, the list highlights your existence to live life fully and meaningfully at the moment.

Here is my bucket list:

  1. Go round the world in 30 days
  2. See the seven wonders of the world
  3. Skydiving
  4. Listen more to classical music and oldies
  5. Live in a foreign country for six months.
  6. Hit the jackpot, strike it rich (God willing)
  7. Keep a dog and a cat
  8. Experience the four seasons
  9. Earn money by blogging full time to support my lifestyle
  10. Take a spin in a Lamborghini
  11. Read all the motivational books
  12. Watch all my favorite movies that I have missed
  13. Have a massage every day
  14. Learn to play the piano.
  15. Get my blog into Traffic Rank within 100,000 and Page Rank of 3 and above
  16. Live to see my children having families of their own

How to go about it:

  1. Spend around fifteen minutes to come up with your initial bucket list. Don’t worry that you may not make it. The fact is that when you have put it down in writing it will allow you to concentrate and realize your dreams one day. Bear in mind that experiences in life is more important and bring you more happiness than possession of material things.
  2. As time goes by delete or add more into the list.
  3. Cross out the ones that you have achieved.
  4. Keep the list always in view.
  5. Share your list here.

I hope by making your bucket list, your life will be more focused and more meaningful and you will be happier over time.


  1. I really like your blog, you write great articles. But think about changing your blog design, look for the hierarchy and graphic design. Keep writing! love,

  2. You have some unique stuff on your bucket list. I like that you give some good tips on how to maintain your own bucket list too. Good luck on attaining those goals.


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