Monday, January 9, 2012

P.L.E.A.S.E. Spend Time with Your Child


The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It ... is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be.

This is the front-page headline from a local newspaper, New Sunday Times, in Malaysia:


FORSAKEN: The many calls by depressed children to 15999 childlines show that parents are not giving them the support they need.

According to the paper, it’s worrying because it is a reflection of parental neglect. The majority of calls to childline came from children seeking support for depression, loneliness, emotional neglect, stress, and boredom.

If they can be supported by a stranger through a telephone conversation, you, as parents, can do much more. It is easy and effective. All you need to do is to change your daily habit. Just do it  P.L.E.A.S.E.

Present: Are you spending time with your child? Think of a balanced lifestyle and don’t take work home. Your family always comes first. Devote quality time with your child. Your presence allows your child to talk and confide in you easily. 

Listen: When your child is talking to you, leave aside what you are doing and listen attentively. Your child just wants to air his or her grievances. Your child will be happy if you just listen. They know you care when you listen.

Eat: Eating together is a sign that the family is happy together. It fosters closeness, warmness, and harmony. Your child will love it. Eat talk and laugh together is the simplest thing and the best thing you can do at home for your child. Moreover, eating simple food at home is good for health.

Appreciate: Show appreciation for what your child can do. Reward him or her for doing the right things or putting in an effort to achieve better results at school. In turn, you help develop self-confidence in your child. It is an effective way to pay attention to your child and telling them what is right or wrong. Your child will not feel neglected.

Switch: Turn off technology at home. Switch off the TV, internet connection, smartphone, and other gadgets. Instead, read while your child is doing homework.  You are giving moral support to your child and show your care for them. You can also assist in the homework to reduce their stress. 

Encourage: Speak positive words to boost his or her confidence and praise them for their achievements. These are what you can do to support them in what they do. Your child will know your care because you take note of their progress in life.

Do you think you can do it for your child, P.L.E.A.S.E.?

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