There are 7 important milestones in your life that you have to make smart choices. Making the right decisions will bring you wealth and happiness:
1. Education: Be wise and take education seriously because the knowledge gained in the early years is the basic foundation for you to survive in this competitive world. When you have completed your academic education you will still need to pursue further education to build your technical skills. Technical skills are what you need to be gainfully employed or do your own business. However, there is something more important than your specialized knowledge; it is your soft skills. Your success in life is determined by what you tell yourself positively or negatively, the way you do things, and how you interact with others. It is your attitude. You can obtain technical skills but you have to develop positive habits all by yourself. It is important at this stage not to get into debt to finance your education as there will be more financial commitments in the next few stages of your life.
2. Your first job: Your first job is more likely to be related to your area of study. It is important in the early stage of your career to adapt yourself to working life, learn the trade and gain valuable experience. Do not worry so much about the starting salary; getting the right job is the main concern. You want to do what you like so that you will enjoy what you do.
3. Your first car: It is time for you to get your own transport. Do not commit too much financially to your first car because you will be changing a few cars in the course of your life. Just get an inexpensive car that can take you to work is good enough.
4. Your dream home: Plan as soon as you have started working to secure a down payment for your dream house. Instead of paying rent, pay the monthly installments within your budget and own the house you live in eventually. Landed property always appreciates in value over time.
5. Marriage: It is the meeting of two hearts, getting connected and living together forever. Avoid getting overboard and spend lavishly on your wedding. There is still a long way to go in life. As new members will be joining your family soon and there will be more household expenses to take care of.
6. Family life: It is important at this stage to live a balanced life because you have to look after not only your career but your family too. You are not living alone anymore because you have to care for others and others are caring for you too. Work smart and avoid overtime. When you are at home watch less TV and interact more with family members.
7. Retirement: Retirement is about financial freedom. Make it a point to plan early for your retirement. The sooner you start, the smaller will be the amount each month you need to build your wealth for your golden years.
It does not matter at what stage your life is now, the most important thing is to live life here and now, enjoy what you do and be happy. Don’t look back and don’t be too concerned about the future.