Thursday, August 5, 2010

4 Pillars of Human Weaknesses

 4 pillars
Newspaper headlines are more or less the same. The following are the usual ones you see every day:

• Half a million life savings cheated by a share scam

• Failed to overtake - 4 killed

• Committed suicide for $25,000 due to loan sharks

• 20-year jail for criminal breach of trust.

These headlines are the outcome of human weaknesses in the following four areas:

1. Greed: It is human nature to believe in getting rich without putting in an effort. They are gullible to get rich quick schemes, excited about things which are free and cheap, and believe in getting things the easy way. In life, the only sure way to be wealthy is through your blood, sweat and tears, and nothing else.

2. Impatience: Youngsters are thrilled to beat the red light, excited to overtake more cars in front in a reckless manner. They are satisfied to risk their lives and the lives of others by driving very fast on the road. Life is precious and you only live once. Live and let live. Go slow on the road and practice tolerance.

3. The 4 vices: They are gambling, drinking, smoking, and womanizing. The habit of gambling can only lead to debt, delinquency, and bankruptcy. Smoking is not only a health hazard it is a fire risk at home as well. You can light a cigarette and lie on the bed and without realizing it you snooze off with the lighted cigarette. By the time you wake up the whole room is already ablaze. Drinking and driving are the quickest and surest way to hell. Such reports are always in the news about fatal accidents relating to drunk driving. Prostitution is closely linked to venereal disease and the break-up in marriages

4. Wrongdoings: These include tax evasion, cheats, stealing, lies, fraud, adultery, corruption, rape, murder, harassment, misappropriation, cover-up, and many more. Doing the wrong things will not pay, sooner or later the truth will be out and the law will catch up with you. Go straight and be conscientious of what you are doing.

In life, you have to believe in cause and effect, go slow on the road, give up all the bad habits, and avoid doing the wrong things.

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