Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Lesson Learned in Blogging

I am very interested in blogging and I know there is a lot of information and tips available on the Net to help me to achieve success and so I read feverously and I get good tips by reading articles of successful bloggers such as Darren Rowse, Glen Allsopp, Daniel Scocco, Brian Clark and Caroline Middlebrook. The trouble is that I have got the message but things are not happening at my blog. Why?

There is a very simple answer. I have not taken the necessary action as recommended by successful people.

I think success and failure are just that. You know what to do but when you have failed to take action there is no way to be successful

There are three things I know I must do in order to succeed in blogging - writing original articles on a regular and consistent basis, marketing your blog, and building relationships with other bloggers. There is very little that I have done to get involved with other bloggers. Here are some of the things that I know I should do but I have not gotten to do it:

Create outbound links to relevant and high linking blogs
Participate in forums
Accept the request to participate in worthy causes
Comment on other related blogs
Get to know other bloggers in my niche and be connected

The reality is that when you are not interested in other bloggers, they will not show interest in you. From now on I will read less and take action more. There is no point in reading a lot and know what to do but not doing anything about it.

Share your blogging lessons here.

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