Friday, December 25, 2009

How to be Popular -10 Instant Tips

Popularity Secrets
True popularity comes from acts of kindness rather than acts of stupidity.     
Bo Bennett

The fastest and easiest way to be popular is to focus your attention on the people around you. Here are the 10 instant ways to do so that you are always welcomed by others:

1. Talk to the people around you. You acknowledge their presence and make them feel important by talking to them. You never know, perhaps, you will be able to learn something from them. You may even get connected to the right person that opens up great opportunities.
2. Try to remember their names: People are impressed that you can recall their names just by meeting only once. You really need to use all your senses to remember a name. Write it down, repeat often during a conversation, and associate the name with something else so that recalling is easy. As an example, Chris could be associated with Christmas, the very day you met him for the first time.
3. Be humble. When you are humble, polite, and respectful in your approach, you can be accepted by others easily.
4. Total Acceptance: Look for the virtues of others and accept the ways as they are without judgment. Respect their points of view, though you may not be agreeable.
5. Talk pleasantly about the other person's interest. Encourage him to talk about himself. Find out more about his interests and achievements. Get to know more about his family background. The more you know about the other person the easier it is for you to establish a closer rapport with him.
6. Watch your appearance: Do not allow others to perceive that you don’t care too much about yourself. When you care less for yourself it is unlikely that you care much for others

7. Praise more and criticize less. Say a few kind and encouraging words. Praise for a job well done. You make the other person happy and also lift his self-worth and self-esteem.

8. Be trusted: Honour your promises, but do not commit too many or else you may not be able to deliver.

9. Responsive and empathic: Always be available and ready to respond to the needs of others. Be sensitive to the feelings of the people around you.

10. Smile at the people you meet: Be cheerful; don’t talk about your problems and disappointment. Everyone has a fair share of troubles. Crack a joke about yourself to laugh out loud and lift the mood of others.

When you are only interested in yourself, you can’t arouse the interest of others in you. In a beneficial human relationship, it is like a savings account, you can’t withdraw without a deposit. When you are interested in the people around you, they will be more inclined to like you and interested in you as well.

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