Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Set Your Goals


“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”Andrew Carnegie

Success in life means setting and achieving your goals. Consider the following points to set your goals: 

 1. One important goal: Instead of having too many goals, identify just one goal that can greatly impact your life. One goal means you are focused on it. Your goal is manageable and it is more likely to achieve. 

2. A clear vision of your goal: Imagine and visualize vividly in your mind that you have succeeded in achieving your goals. These images or the thoughts in your mind will set in motion to realize your goal. 

 3. A deadline: A goal without a deadline remains a goal. The earlier you set your deadline the more urgent it will be for you to pick up your momentum to work on your goal and the faster it is to reach your goal. 

 4. Benefits of achieving your goals: If your goal is to lose weight the benefits will be better health, more energy, better appearance, and higher self-esteem. More benefits mean more incentive and motivation to achieve your goal. 

 5. Obstacles: Expect obstacles along the way and be prepared psychologically to overcome them. A goal is not a goal when it is not challenging and easily attainable.

 6. Get help: Solicit those people who can lend you a hand. You may not be able to do it alone and it is wise to enlist the right people to assist you. 

 7. Plan your successive stages: This will allow you to gauge and monitor your progress against time spent. Are you meeting your sub-goals according to your timeframe? Do you need to revise your plan because of changing the prevailing situation? When you know the benefits that you can enjoy when you have achieved your goals, you will work mindfully at the moment and look forward to each new day with high expectations. You will have no regret in life as you look back because you know you have wasted no time to make your dream a reality.

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