Monday, October 17, 2011

10 Keys to Live a Balanced and Happy Life

A balanced and happy life

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony. ~Thomas Merton 

A balanced life is an effective and productive way of life. You are able to strike a balance and take care of all the important things in life. These are the 10 keys to living a balanced life:

1.      A time to work: When it is time to work, be productive, and work within a time frame. 
Do what is important, pay attention and be mindful at work. Do the best you can with what you have and be responsible for the outcome.  When you work, you work with your heart and when you stop work for the day, you leave work at work.

2.      A time to be at home:  When it is time to spend with family members do nothing else. Watch less TV and get involved in household chores. Talk to your children about school and talk to your spouse about anything and everything.

3.      A time to exercise the body: Do not neglect to allocate time to do outdoor activities such as jogging and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Be active physically to sustain your energy and alertness 

4.      A time to be alone and ponder: There is a time for you to be alone and take stock of your situation.  Are you going where you are going? Do you need to make changes?  Always look at things from a bright  perspective and count your blessing

5.      A time to do personal development: Spending time to do continuous learning is crucial to be in touch with technology advancements and stay ahead. Be well-informed and knowledgeable to tip the balance in your favor.

6.      A time to take care of finance: You need to spend time regularly to budget your money. An effective budget allows you to spend wisely and save for the future. It is important to save and invest for your retirement and your children’s tertiary education as early as possible.  

7.      A time to connect: It is also necessary to connect and build relationships constantly. Do what you can for others and be happy to receive support from them.  To connect is to care for each other.   

8.      A time to rest: Taking breaks while at work and spending time to loosen up and relaxed are all essential parts of a balanced life. Sleep is necessary to repair damages done to your body after a stressful day. It is also to regain your energy and vitality for a new day ahead of you.

9.      A time to plan and organize: A balanced life needs to be planned and organized in advance. You will be able to see your various activities clearly when you write things down. Happiness is getting the correct balance of your daily activities.  

10.  A positive mindset to maintain balance: Life, like the weather, is not always sunny and bright. Be brave and react positively when you face problems and setbacks. When the time is tough, be tough and keep your balance.

A balanced life is a key to an effective and successful life.

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