It is possible for you to earn more in whatever you do in making a living. The most important thing is to help others to get what they want so that you will eventually get what you want. You can earn more in full-time employment, running your own business, or doing freelance work.
· Employment: Your working hours are fixed, but the amount you can earn varies widely. It does not matter, you can improve your earnings by:
o Adjusting (do your research to show that you are underpaid)
o Asking for a raise
o Getting annual pay increment
o Getting a promotion
The point is that you will be able to earn more but the working hours remain the same. To earn more you need to demonstrate and observe the following:
1. Be productive and exceed expectations
2. A positive working attitude
3. Ask when the time is right
4. Be noticed by your boss about your performance
5. Ask for it and not demand
· Business: Doing business is for the long term. Building trust, getting customer satisfaction, and creating the right products or services takes time. The most important thing is to serve the needs of others and profit is just the by-product of your business. The more you do for your customers, the more business and the more earnings you will get in the long run.
· Freelance: What are your interests and passion? Be productive, you can always do what you enjoy during your free time and at the same time make some money. I think blogging is a good example. You can do it part-time or full-time. When you are interested to write, you can turn your writing habit into a source of passive income. It does not take long, just one or two hours’ work, to write an article, post an article and do some social networking activities every day. You just need to paste some AdSense ads on your blog to start making money by itself. You can even earn more by selling your own products or be an affiliate. To attract more readers to your blog, you have to write for them, answering their questions and solving their problems.
To earn more, you have to do more and provide more value to others. It is important to enjoy what you do so that you will be able to do more and maximize your earning potential.
Be productive, do more for others and get more.