Friday, November 25, 2011

Are You Responsible and Productive?

Are you responsible and productive?

It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible but also for what we do not do. ~ Moliere
What do you do when things go wrong at the workplace?

·         Do you blame others?
·         Do you give excuses?
·         Can you admit that you have made a mistake?
·         Do you accept constructive criticism?
·         Do you give clear and full instructions to others to get things done?
·         Do you seek clarification when in doubt before you go ahead to do a job?

Being accountable means not to blame or give excuses.  Just admit that you have made a mistake and go ahead and get the thing done right. It is more productive than to waste time giving excuses and put the blame on others because in the end nothing gets done.  When you try to defend yourself, you allow others to attack you and look at you in a negative light.

When you hold yourself responsible for what you do at work, you are productive. Here are ways to be responsible and be productive:

·         You take pride in what you do: You take your job seriously because you are what you do. People may not know how you get things done. But people will remember how good or how bad your work is. When you are responsible you care about your reputation and you produce quality work.

·         Be proactive: When you are a responsible person, you are alert and do what needs to be done without being told.

·         Seek improvement, pursue excellence: A responsible person always looks for simple ways to be more efficient and effective.  

·         Add value to what you do: A responsible person will pay attention and do what is important and avoid unproductive activities. When you are responsible you want to contribute and be a valued employee.

·         Listen and learn and ask questions: You want to know how you are doing and you ask for feedback and solicit for ideas. To be responsible is to listen carefully, ask intelligent questions so that you can learn. The more you know, the more competent and productive you will be.

·         Solve problems: When you are accountable, you will not pass over a problem or sweep it under the carpet. You take it as a challenge and leave no stone unturned to solve the problem.  

Be responsible, be productive and be successful.

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