Friday, August 26, 2011

What Can Mathematics Teach You about Solving Problems

Solving problmes
What you have learnt about solving mathematical problems can be equally applicable to solving your everyday problems by using the same strategy and approach:

1. Cool head: Like solving a mathematical problem, you avoid doing it when you are under stress, tired, and impatient. Work on a problem with a fresh and calm mind.

2. Focus: You need to do mathematics with mental concentration and avoid distractions. Likewise, you solve a problem with full attention and avoid interruption to your train of thought.

3. Be clear about your problem: A problem in mathematics is stated clearly, you know the problem precisely and you know what to do to solve the problem. It is easier to solve a problem when you know exactly what it is.

4. Simplify a problem: In mathematics, you are often asked to simplify a problem. Similarly, state your problem in simple terms so that you can see the problem clearly.

5. Solving a complicated problem part by part: A mathematics problem can be complicated, but it can be solved part by part, one step at a time. Your real-life problems are the same. Break down a complicated problem into bite-sized pieces and tackle one small part at a time.

6. Getting from the known factors to solve the unknowns: There are unknown factors in mathematics. However, you are given some known factors to find out what the unknown factors are. In solving a real-life problem, you start with what you know and slowly probing into the unknown to find a solution.

7. Write it down: You answer a mathematical problem by showing clearly the logical steps you have taken to arrive at the correct answer. In life, it is equally important to show the steps to be taken in solving a complicated problem. You want to make sure that a problem is resolved correctly, logically, and sequentially.

Are you solving your problems with a mathematical approach?

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