Monday, August 29, 2011

7 Effective Ways to Write Articles with Focus


Whatever you focus on expands. ~Christopher M. Knight

When you write, focus on thinking right and doing right to produce the right article.   

1.      Focus on the subject: Do research and get to know the subject well. Provide accurate information and not mislead readers. Be knowledgeable about the subject and cover the subject in depth. When you write, be unique, be original, be authentic and be comprehensive about the subject.

2.      Focus on the readers: Focus on giving value to the readers. Write and pay attention to detail.  Provide handy tips, useful information, solutions to everyday problems. Write to motivate the readers to make changes in their life for the better and not write for the sole purpose of ranking well in search engines. It is a selfish focus.

3.      Focus on presentation: Write to communicate by using simple words and short paragraphs. Use bullet points or number for each main point and highlight keywords to facilitate readers reading your articles. No pop-ups and no ads in the middle of an article to distract the readers.  Allow the readers to finish reading an article on the same page without further scrolling.  

4.      Focus on grammar and spelling: Aim for flawless English. Your work represents you. Project a positive image. Write with care and edit well.  

5.      Focus on the long term: Write consistently, persistently, and regularly. Write and post on subjects within your niche to build and gain trust and authority. Write every day to sharpen your writing skills and be more effective in expressing yourself. 

6.      Focus on building relationships: Solicit feedback and listen to your readers.  Give more of what the readers want. 

7.      Focus on a Positive attitude: Think of what is good for the readers and write from your heart. Keep learning, seek improvement, learn from mistakes and go for excellence.

Always focus on your effort, instead of the results of that effort. ~- Russell Simmons

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