Monday, August 1, 2011

Are You Writing Effectively at Work?

The first goal of writing is to have one's words read successfully. ~Robert Brault

To write effectively is to inform, persuade and convince others to take action. As you move up the corporate ladder, it is all the more necessary for you to write effectively and productively. Here are the tips that you can use and hone your writing skills to get noticed and be ahead. You, too, can be an effective writer:

1. Be confident: Do not doubt yourself. It is important to have a positive mindset that you will be able to write effectively. Bear in mind that the more you write, the better you will be able to write. It is a matter of constant practice.

2. Write consistently: Like doing everything else, to be effective, it is necessary to write regularly and frequently. The most effective method is to start a blog and write stuff that you are good at and interested in. The other advantage is that, by writing constantly, you will be able to develop and build a trusted brand for the things that you are knowledgeable about.

3. Do research: It is also necessary to get the right information to support your writing. Search the Net, read books, and be sure of what you write because you want to gain the trust of others in you.

4. Read and learn: Read widely and learn more from experts, like Copyblogger, about effective writing. Extensive reading also expands your word power.

5. Be clear, concise, and focus: You should be very precise about what you want to write and be brief and focus. Go straight to the point and avoid padding.

6. Write logically, sequentially, and cohesively: The purpose of your written work should be stated clearly in your opening paragraph. Subsequent paragraphs should provide details to support your main message. You will call for action in the final paragraph of your writing.

7. Write with care: Check your work and avoid mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your effectiveness and credibility will be discounted when you cannot write in proper English.

8. Write to be read easily and quickly: At the workplace, people are impatient and they are working under stress. Write in bullet points or number your points so that your message can be digested easily and quickly. Use short sentences with short paragraphs and simple words.

9. Write with energy: Write when you are relaxed and your mind is fresh. Write when there are no distractions so that your train of thought is not interrupted unnecessarily.

10. An effective writing method: Write in three separate sessions. In the first sessions, you try to get as many ideas on the subject that you are writing about. In another session, you do the actual writing by using the ideas generated. In the last session, you look at your own work critically. You want to make sure that what you have written is relevant with no spelling or grammar mistakes.

Start writing today and every day to be an effective writer.

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