Friday, October 9, 2009

5 Ingredients of Health and Fitness

A balanced diet

“The human body is meant to be exercised regularly throughout your life.”

Brian Tracy

Keeping healthy is more than just exercise every day. You have to eat right, sleep right, think right, and know-how to relax. Here are the 5 ingredients of health and fitness:

1. A balanced diet: A balanced diet consists of carbohydrate (bread, beans, potatoes, bran, rice, and cereals), protein (fish, poultry, beans, and nuts), fat (olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and salmon), vitamins (fruits and vegetables), minerals (milk, cheese, and yogurt), and fiber (whole fruits and vegetables) in the right proportion. Drink plenty of water daily to keep your body hydrated. Sit down and eat your food slowly. Chew each mouthful. Eating less but more frequently at regular intervals is the best way to burn calories. You train your body to expect the food to burn every few hours. You are eating more frequently but you do not put on weight. Take a dietary supplement such as a multimineral-multivitamin to cover the deficiency.

  1. Sleep: When you are deprived of sleep, it may cause weight gain, irritable mood and lower your immune functions. To have a good night’s sleep, clear your mind of clutter, be calm, and write down things you need to do the next day. Free your mind from anxiety and worries.

  1. Relaxation: When you are able to unwind, you relax not only your body; you relax your mind as well. Tai Chi and Yoga are beneficial forms of meditation. They give you mental and spiritual well-being. Listen to classical music to soothe your tired mind. Play a musical instrument or enjoy reading a motivational book. Do what you are interested to relax.

  1. Exercise: The three S’s for total physical fitness are stamina, strength, and suppleness. Total fitness allows you to go further, work harder, and more flexible. You can jog to build up your stamina. You do weight training to improve your strength and you do stretching to make yourself more flexible.

  1. Positive emotions: Be happy, be confident, be enthusiastic, be calm, be focused, be cheerful, and fill your heart with love. Just think of how negative emotions such as fear, hatred, vengeance, and jealousy impact your health, your mood, and your behavior. Your mind is restless, your heart is racing and you are disturbed.

Total health and fitness will allow you to work harder, play harder, and enjoy life more fully.

Related post:

Three S’s of Total Physical Fitness

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said, Not bad at all! Interesting piece of information. I find it to be honest, useful and fresh so thank you so much for posting this!


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