Monday, February 20, 2012

More Ways to be Happy at Work


There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.-- Henry Ford

You are employed because of what you can do for the company. So, work is about contributing and providing value. Happiness is what you get when you can give at work. The more you can give, the more valuable and happier you will be.  Here are the things that you can do at work to boost your happiness

1.      Positive attitude: Happiness is from the inside out. If you don’t go to work happily, will you be able to work happily? Start a new day and every day with a cheerful frame of mind.  Go to work with excitement and enthusiasm in the morning. Your positive thoughts will energize and kick-start every new day at work.  

2.      Enthusiastic about your work: Do you like your work? Do you enjoy what you do at work? Happiness is to like what you do and enjoying it. Be passionate about your work and get into the flow of work. Make your life at work a pleasant one so that you can stay happy. 

3.      Take responsibility: You are happy when you are proud of your work. You work with care and aim for excellence. Your work represents you. People respect you when they respect your work.  Looking after your reputation is an effective way to be happy at work.

The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.-- Pearl S. Buck

4.      Sharpen your skills: Happy people are open-minded. They don’t rest on their laurels. They continue to learn and get to know more. They know that better skills produce better work. A valued and appreciated employee is a happy employee. 

5.      Getting organized: Happiness is planning your work and working your plan. It is a productive and less stressful way to get a thing done in an orderly manner. When you are on top of things, you work confidently and happily.

6.      Building relationships: Knowing what to expect from your boss and working accordingly to look after his or her interests is the best policy to build a lasting working relationship. Keeping your boss posted at each stage of your progress is the way to get noticed. Building relationships are also building the trust of the boss in you. You can work happily knowing that your boss can count on you and without having to spy on you every now and then.   

Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy with what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.-- Johnny Carson

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