Friday, December 2, 2011

7 Effective Ways to Focus and Be Productive

Focus and be productive

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. ~ Alexander Graham Bell

To be productive is to do the right thing with focus. Here are some effective ways to concentrate and get more done in less time:

1.       External conditions:  Avoid external influences to interfere with your focus. Let others know that you need some time to be alone to complete your work.  The other thing that you can do is to reduce distractions from the Net or telephone calls. You don’t want your focus and productivity to be cut short.

2.       Your mental state: Do you have enough sleep? Are you feeling fresh and energetic? Are you feeling good with nothing nagging your mind? You will work with focus and alertness with a calm mind.

3.       Are you here: You may be at work, but your mind is somewhere else. Do you like what you do? It is easier to pay attention when you enjoy what you do. Develop an interest in your work and be focused and productive.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. ~Buddha

4.       Have you planned ahead: Be prepared in advance for what you need to do the following day. A to-do list is a great tool to get you organized and be focused on the important issues of the day. To be productive is to focus on doing the right things.

5.      Are you doing it now: Can you do it right away? The longer you delay the more time you will need to accomplish a job. It is only productive when you can do it now with focus.  

6.       One thing at a time:  Multitasking is stressful and more likely to make mistakes. Be productive and focus on one task at a time because you do it only once.       

7.       Taking breaks: Taking a break from time to time is a great way to refresh your mind. Get away from your desk and have a cup of coffee.  You will regain your concentration and work productively after a deserving break.

Work smart to be focused and productive. 

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