Wednesday, December 14, 2011

7 Effective Skills to be Successful


It is reported in the newspaper that the following seven skills are essential for your career success:

1.      Analytical skills: According to Wikipedia, analytical skill is the ability to visualize, articulate, and solve both complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts, and make decisions that make sense based on available information. Such skills include demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, designing and testing solutions to problems, and formulating plans. These skills are especially essential for professional people.

2.      Technical skills: This is about your competency in doing the job well. You are hired because you have the relevant knowledge and the necessary skills to get things done. 
It is essential that you gain the necessary experience because employers are looking for sophisticated skills relevant to the industrial context and not taught in formal education.
Employers demand high-quality work with minimal errors. Knowledge workers are valuable and in demand

3.      Leadership skills: It is crucial for a manager to lead and manage in a volatile and uncertain business condition. He or she must be able to plan and organize and take proactive action. Conceptual skills and people skills are essential for the success of those at the managerial level.  
4.      Thinking skills: To be able to think productively, you need to gather information, understand the information and then analyze, evaluate, create your own ideas and make decisions.  

5.      Customer care skills: As customers demand quality and efficient service, the ability to satisfy their needs is the utmost importance.

6.      Communication skills: It is essential to write and converse effectively. Proficient in English, written and oral, which is weak among employees, is necessary to work efficiently and effectively.  

7.      Problem-solving skills: The ability to work independently and less supervision means you are able to apply your thinking skills to solve problems. Employers are looking for people to work and solve problems and not the other way round.  

The following soft skills, according to employers, are also critical for your career success;
·         Confident
·         Trustworthy
·         Resourceful
·         Working smart
·         Integrity
·         High moral values
·         Discipline

Be prepared and develop the necessary skills to achieve career success.

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